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Kohler Showroom in West Hollywood

Due Diligence

Park Water Company - Downey 

When considering the purchase of a commercial or industrial property, JTmec can provide operational due diligence services and configure the existing equipment condition, productivity, life expectancy and how to upgrade the MEP system.
Energy efficiency and cost-effective operation are goals of existing facilities alike. At JTmec, we're experts in boosting the performance and lowering the operating costs of already-installed chilled-water, steam and hot water heating systems as well as co-generation and building MEPT systems. The system optimization modeling we do is some of the most sophisticated in the marketplace, yielding extremely effective results.
A JTmec strength is evaluating the correct use of generating technologies in combination with thermal technologies to achieve the most suitable application for each project. Finding the right mix of power generation and thermal use to gain the highest system efficiency is critical in any successful combined heat and power/co-generation system.

We have a track record of recommending improvements - often simple modifications - that achieve quick payback and benefit systems for years to come.

Redondo High School - Redondo Beach - Auditorium, Art & Science building,Cafeteria,Library, Gymnasium 
Utah Campus 
Rainbow Garden
Rainbow garden2.PNG
Loyola Historical Building
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